Hengtai manufactures corona discharge ozone generators and water treatment equipment.The company always relied on its strong technical background,which was built up by establishing laboratory ,testing facilities and interaction with actual users and customers world wide,produce the highest quality ozone products by utilizing diverse application expertise to serve multiple market.
Hengtai mainly provides support to OEMs, Distributors worldwide. We closely work with water treatment and ozone generator manufacturers worldwide.
Hengtai follow comprehensive quality control measures at every stage of design & production of our products. We employ best machines for conducting exhaustive physical tests of our products ensuring that they perform to the highest standards of quality & precision.
Our quality control professionals also maintain a strict quality control check at all levels of production process and develop products with improved features as follows:
Longer Operating Life
Less Power Consumption
Our Research and Development team works extensively on ozone based technologies and comes up with leading edge products and solutions.